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Towns covered:Bristol
Contact:Janet Offer
Areas covered: South West
Email: janetvakis@googlemail.com
Telephone: 07767 733 948
Website: www.tango-y-tu.com/bristol.htm
Info:Tango-y-Tu - Bristol www.tango-y-tu.com/bristol.htm

Monday night new venue: The Salt Cellar, Totterdown Baptist Church, Wells Road, Tottwerdown, Bristol BS4 2AX

Progressive Open Class 7-8.35pm followed by practica until 10pm

Regular guest teachers in February/March 2015: Diomar Giraldo and Mina, + Nayla Vacca

Future guest teachers 13/14 June Graciela Gamba + Diego Converti

Website is regularly updated with guest teachers.

I'm also running my regular 15 hour intensive Fundamentals/Technique and Improvisation course in April - all on my website....