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Fance in London - Tango El Mundo

Towns covered:
Areas covered: London
Email: tangoelmundo@yahoo.com
Telephone: 0777 884 6060
Website: tangoelmundo.wix.com/tangoelmundo
Info:Tango, Vals, Milonga St John Wood London NW8 8LA
TWICE A MONTH SATURDAYS FREE MILONGA 9pm -1 am.and every WEEK WEDNESDAY And TWICE Saturday's A MONTH. 2 Classes Beginners 7.30pm to 8.30pm £10, Improvers,Intermediates 8.30pm to 9.30pm £10. free Milonga 9pm to 1am. for our special monthly sessions see our website. Nice atmosphere, keep slim, fit and look good. no partner needed. 54 Lodge Road. St Johns Wood, London NW8 8LA. Book early to avoid disappointment via: www.tangoelmundo.wix.com/tangoelmundo Tel: 0777 884 6060
For private session and first wadding dance please contact us directly.